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Discourage Mosquitoes From Breeding

How to Discourage Mosquitoes From Breeding on Your Property

Summer is peak time for many insect pests throughout the US. But one of the most annoying of all is the blood-sucking mosquito. Once dusk arrives, even a short trip to your backyard can leave you itching all over as mosquitoes home in on you. If this sounds familiar, mosquitoes may be breeding on your property.

Take the following precautions around your property to keep the number of mosquitoes to a minimum.

Be Diligent About Eliminating Standing Water

Female mosquitoes need standing water to lay their eggs. And one female can lay 75 to 500 eggs at a time. If your property has multiple sources of standing water, mosquitoes will breed out of control and become a huge problem during summer. As such, your first and most important line of defense is to find and eliminate all sources of standing water around your property.

Walk around your property and remove all open containers and vessels that might hold standing water. Look for and remove:

  • Buckets
  • Tires
  • Discarded crockery like cups or bowls
  • Discarded toys
  • Pet bowls
  • Empty plant pots
  • Birdbaths

And, as you walk around your property, find and fill any depressions in the ground that could hold standing water.

Clear Your Gutters Every Few Days

Your gutters can also provide standing water for mosquitoes if you don’t keep them clear. Leaves and twigs from trees, for instance, cause blockages that stop rainwater from draining out of gutters.

Mosquitoes take about seven to 14 days to mature from egg to adult. To prevent any existing eggs from hatching, clear your gutters every few days to remove debris and standing water.

Favor Plants That Repel, Not Attract, Mosquitoes

Some plants such as water lettuce, papyrus, and bamboo attract mosquitoes. If you enjoy gardening, choose plants that repel mosquitoes instead of attracting them. Mosquitoes don’t like plants with strong scents, like lemon balm, citronella, and basil.

Keep Your Trashcans Closed

Although the trash in your trashcan won’t interest mosquitoes at all, the bottom of your trashcan might, especially after rainfall. Mosquitoes only need a small amount of stagnant water to lay their eggs. And the hidden area at the bottom of a trashcan is a safe location for eggs to mature into adults.

Always keep your trashcans covered.

Be Careful When Watering Your Potted Plants

When you water your potted plants, some of the water will reach the saucers or vessels under the pot. This is normal, but remember to keep an eye on these saucers as mosquitoes can use them for breeding if you never clean or empty them. Check the saucers for signs of mosquito larvae whenever you water your plants, and remove dirt and old water.

Deal With Leaky Pipes and Taps Quickly

Stay on top of leaks. Leaky pipes, taps, and hoses create puddles that provide the perfect breeding ground for female mosquitoes. Check your property for leaks regularly, and remember to look in the hidden corners of your home too, as water can leak into these places without your knowledge.

Whenever you find a leak, fix it quickly to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in the resulting pool of water.

Clear Away Yard Debris Regularly

Mosquitoes need debris and thick undergrowth to shelter them from winds. Mosquitoes retreat to those areas when they aren’t feeding. As such, keep your grass short and remove natural debris like leaves, grass cuttings, twigs, and branches.

These tips will help you to keep mosquito numbers on your property to a minimum. But if you still find that your mosquito problem won’t go away, then you may need the help of a professional pest control service.

Call Mosquito Masters today, or fill out the contact form on our website, and we’ll get back to you very soon. In just 20 to 30 minutes, our Barrier Spray Treatment will rid you of your mosquito problem.