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Naturally Repel Mosquitoes: Top Plants to Keep Your Yard Pest-Free

As the weather warms up and we spend more time outdoors, mosquitoes can quickly become a nuisance. While professional mosquito control services like those offered by The Mosquito Masters provide comprehensive protection, you can enhance your efforts by incorporating mosquito-repellent plants into your garden. These natural repellents not only help keep mosquitoes at bay but also add beauty and fragrance to your outdoor space. Here are some top mosquito-repellent plants to consider for your yard.

Citronella Grass

Citronella is one of the most well-known mosquito-repellent plants. The oil extracted from citronella grass is commonly used in candles, sprays, and other mosquito-repelling products. Planting citronella grass around your yard creates a natural barrier against mosquitoes. This tall, fragrant grass thrives in warm climates and can be grown in containers or directly in the ground.


Lavender is not only a beautiful and aromatic plant but also an effective mosquito repellent. The strong scent of lavender oil deters mosquitoes and other insects. Plant lavender along pathways, in garden beds, or in pots to enjoy its lovely blooms and keep mosquitoes away. Additionally, dried lavender can be used in sachets or added to homemade mosquito-repellent sprays.


Marigolds are vibrant, easy-to-grow flowers that repel mosquitoes and other garden pests. The distinct scent of marigold flowers and leaves contains compounds that mosquitoes find unappealing. Plant marigolds in borders, flower beds, or containers to add a splash of color while keeping mosquitoes at bay. Marigolds are also known to deter aphids, making them a great companion plant for vegetable gardens.


Basil is a versatile herb that not only enhances your culinary dishes but also repels mosquitoes. The aromatic oils in basil leaves are known to deter mosquitoes and flies. Plant basil in your garden, near outdoor seating areas, or in pots on your patio. As a bonus, you’ll have fresh basil on hand for cooking throughout the summer.


Catnip is a member of the mint family and is highly effective at repelling mosquitoes. Studies have shown that catnip can be even more effective than some chemical repellents. Plant catnip in your garden or along walkways to enjoy its mosquito-repelling properties. Keep in mind that catnip can attract cats, so if you have feline visitors, be prepared for some playful antics.


Lemongrass is another plant with a strong citrus scent that mosquitoes dislike. This tropical grass is not only a great addition to your garden for its mosquito-repelling qualities but also for its culinary uses. Lemongrass can be grown in the ground or in large pots and requires plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil.


Rosemary is a hardy herb that repels mosquitoes and other insects. The aromatic oils in rosemary leaves are effective at deterring mosquitoes. Plant rosemary in your garden, in containers, or use it as a decorative border plant. Rosemary is also a great addition to your kitchen, providing fresh herbs for cooking and grilling.


Mint is a refreshing herb with a strong scent that repels mosquitoes. Plant mint in pots or containers to prevent it from spreading too aggressively in your garden. Place the containers around outdoor seating areas or along walkways to enjoy its mosquito-repelling properties. Mint leaves can also be used to make a natural mosquito-repellent spray.

Incorporating mosquito-repellent plants into your garden is a natural and aesthetically pleasing way to enhance your mosquito control efforts. While these plants can help reduce mosquito populations, they work best in conjunction with professional mosquito control services like those offered by The Mosquito Masters. By combining natural repellents with expert treatments, you can create a beautiful, mosquito-free outdoor space for you and your family to enjoy all season long.

If you’d like to discuss these natural ways of preventing mosquitoes or like an estimate for professional control please contact us.